17 Little-Known Facts About Rosalynn Carter

7. Mrs. Carter rocked her Georgia Governor’s inaugural ball gown again at the Presidential inaugural ball, receiving a lot of pointless criticism for wearing the same outfit twice.

8. Mrs. Carter used to make her daughter Amy’s clothes, but due to lack of time, she had to stop once they moved into the Governor’s Mansion. 

9. One of Rolsalynn’s favorite outdoor activities was, believe it or not, fly fishing in some remote, picturesque stream.

10. Rosalynn Carter inspired the creation of the Rosalynn Carter Butterfly Trail, a network of public and private gardens aimed at monarch butterfly conservation.

12. Mrs. Carter cherished spending time with her husband in the Plains woods during hunting season. She particularly loved the chaotic calls of the wild turkeys in the distance.

13. What’s the best way to learn hula? Visit Hawaii, of course! That’s exactly where Rosalynn Carter learned the mesmerizing dance while her husband was in the U.S. Navy.

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